自己封装一个可以随意删减 没用的资源文件的工具
通过lint命令 导出一个带有lint log的txt文件
通过读取里面的“[UnusedResources]”字段 筛选出所有没用的资源文件
可以直接删除 文件
- drawable-mdpi
- drawable-hdpi
- drawable-xhdpi
- drawable-xxhdpi
- drawable
- layout
- anim
- color
- raw
- xml
看情况 删除文件里面的某一行 values
- arrays
- colors
- dimens
- strings
- config_main_tab
- prompt_message
- styles
- syle_base_view
- teaching_strings
- toast
(1)首先得进入 sdk里面的 tools
` D:\develop\AndroidStudio\Android\sdk\tools\lint.bat `复制代码
` lint H:\android_workspace\smilecampus_git\SmileCampus >C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\master_lint_log.txt`复制代码
(3)通过java代码(IO流) 读取导出来的lint log文件
通过筛选里面的“[UnusedResources]” 判断资源文件所处哪一个文件夹 (到底是删除文件 还是删除里面的某一行)
代码三个类: Constant类
public class Constant { public static final String UnusedResources = "[UnusedResources]"; public static final String drawable_mdpi = "drawable-mdpi"; public static final String drawable_hdpi = "drawable-hdpi"; public static final String drawable_xhdpi = "drawable-xhdpi"; public static final String drawable_xxhdpi = "drawable-xxhdpi"; public static final String drawable = "drawable"; public static final String anim = "anim"; public static final String layout = "layout"; public static final String color = "color"; public static final String raw = "raw";//弹幕 public static final String xml = "xml";//不改动 public static final String values = "values"; /** * values下面的配置文件 */ public static final String arrays = "arrays"; public static final String colors = "colors"; public static final String dimens = "dimens"; public static final String strings = "strings"; public static final String config_main_tab = "config_main_tab"; public static final String prompt_message = "prompt_message"; public static final String styles = "styles"; public static final String syle_base_view = "syle_base_view"; public static final String teaching_strings = "teaching_strings"; public static final String toast = "toast";}复制代码
import java.io.BufferedReader;import java.io.BufferedWriter;import java.io.File;import java.io.FileNotFoundException;import java.io.FileReader;import java.io.FileWriter;import java.io.IOException;import java.util.List;public class CompactAndroidCodeUtil { public static void cleanUnUseResourse(String projectPath, String lintResultPath, Listresources) { BufferedReader br = null; BufferedWriter bw = null; try { FileReader fr = new FileReader(lintResultPath); br = new BufferedReader(fr); String s = br.readLine(); //将原本导出来的lint文件 窗以及一个副本 并把"[UnusedResources]"筛选出来 写进副本文件中 String lintResultTranscriptPath = createLintResultTranscript(lintResultPath); File file = new File(lintResultTranscriptPath); if(!file.exists()) { file.createNewFile(); } bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(file)); while (null != s) { // 判断一行包含 if (s.contains(Constant.UnusedResources)) { // res\color\org_apply_text_color_selector.xml:2: Error: The // resource R.string.lepi_un_sub_any_service appears to be // unused // 截取第一个:前面 是整个路径 判断该文件 是什么文件夹下面的资源文件 int end = s.indexOf(":"); if (end > 0) { String subPath = s.substring(0, end); // Test int startDiagonal = subPath.indexOf("\\"); String temp = subPath.substring(startDiagonal + 1); int secondDiagonal = temp.indexOf("\\"); String resource = temp.substring(0 , secondDiagonal); if(resource.equals(Constant.values)) {//将values下面的文件夹筛选出来 String temp1 = temp.substring(secondDiagonal + 1); int thirdDiagonal = temp1.indexOf("."); resource = temp1.substring(0, thirdDiagonal);// if (!resources.contains(resource)) {// resources.add(resource);// } } else { if (resources.contains(resource)) {//如果resourse是resourses里面的话 那就删除文件 //将符合标准的资源文件 写入副本文件中 bw.write(s); bw.newLine();//换行 bw.flush(); String deleteFilePath = projectPath + "\\" + subPath; if(deleteFile(deleteFilePath)){ System.out.println("文件删除成功"); }// resources.add(resource); } } } } s = br.readLine(); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { System.out.println("文件未找到!"); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("读取失败!"); } finally { try { br.close(); bw.close(); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("关闭流失败!"); } for(String res : resources) { System.out.println(res); } } } /** * @param lintResultPath * @return 创建一个文件副本 来 */ public static String createLintResultTranscript(String lintResultPath) { String lintResultTranscriptPath = ""; int index = lintResultPath.indexOf("."); String before = lintResultPath.substring(0, index); String after = lintResultPath.substring(index); lintResultTranscriptPath = before + "-副本1" + after; return lintResultTranscriptPath; } /** * @param deletePath * @return 删除文件 */ public static boolean deleteFile(String deletePath) { // 验证字符串是否为正确路径名的正则表达式 String matches = "[A-Za-z]:\\\\[^:?\"><*]*"; boolean flag = false; // 通过 sPath.matches(matches) 方法的返回值判断是否正确 // sPath 为路径字符串 if(deletePath.matches(matches)) { File file = new File(deletePath); // 路径为文件且不为空则进行删除 if (file.isFile() && file.exists()) { file.delete(); flag = true; } } return flag; }}复制代码
import java.util.ArrayList;import java.util.List;/** * @author Wisdozzh * 清除项目中的无用资源文件 * */public class CleanResource { public static void main(String[] args) { String projectPath = "H:\\android_workspace\\smilecampus_git\\SmileCampus"; String lintResultPath = "C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Desktop\\master_lint_log.txt"; //这里面只删除 某一些文件 以及文件里面的某一行 Listresourses = new ArrayList<>(); resourses.add(Constant.drawable_mdpi);//ok resourses.add(Constant.drawable_hdpi);//ok resourses.add(Constant.drawable_xhdpi);//ok resourses.add(Constant.drawable_xxhdpi);//ok resourses.add(Constant.drawable); resourses.add(Constant.layout);// resourses.add(Constant.color); //这些事删除一行 resourses.add(Constant.arrays); resourses.add(Constant.colors); resourses.add(Constant.dimens); resourses.add(Constant.strings); CompactAndroidCodeUtil.cleanUnUseResourse(projectPath, lintResultPath, resourses); }}复制代码
(5)可以优化 (以后在进行优化)
把anim、color、raw、xml、values下面的arrays、colors、dimens、strings、config_main_tab、prompt_message、styles、style_base_view、teaching_strings、toast 里面没用的资源文件 进行删除